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Early Years

Welcome to Reception

Welcome to our Reception Class webpage! Here you will find lots of lovely pictures and information all about our learning journey. 

To get us started, please take a look at the information below:


Please bring your book bag, diary and reading books to school everyday. 


Please bring a named water bottle with you everyday. 


On Mondays and Fridays please come to school wearing your PE kit (you do not need to bring your school uniform with you, you will wear your PE kit all day).


In the summer term we will go swimming! Exciting! More information will be given closer to the time. 


If you have any information you would like to share with Miss Adams and Mrs Collins, please write this in your school diary. 


We ask for you to enjoy reading your school books at least four times a week at home. Please write what you have read in your school diary. 

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

What a wonderful half term it’s been! We have got stuck in to our Superheroes topic, learning all about real life superheroes and superheroes from stories.

We had an exciting visit from a real life superhero… a police man! It was great to learn all about the amazing things police men and women do to keep us safe.

We have been excellent storytellers this half term, writing wonderfully imaginative stories about a superhero vegetable of our choice, using the story Supertato to inspire us.

In maths we have explored length, weight and height, also odd and even numbers. We have become super number detectives, spotting odd and even numbers everywhere!

We have learnt all about this special time of year, Easter and created a marvellous cross inspired piece of artwork. We look forward to our next topics… Minibeasts! 🐞🐛🦟🕷🪲🐜🪳

Summer 1

Wow what a wonderful half term we’ve had exploring minibeasts! We became butterfly experts and observed the amazing changes a caterpillar makes to turn into a butterfly! We had real caterpillars in our classroom and set them free into the big wide world when they popped out of their chrysalis as beautiful butterflies!

We loved exploring lots of minibeast stories, our favourite being Eric Carle’s The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We became amazing authors and wrote a retell the story.

In maths we have loved using number locks to strengthen our number knowledge. We are now subitising experts and have been using rekenreks to support our learning.

In music we have been fantastic rhythm makers and had a go at copying and making our own rhythms.

We loved using iPads to take a photograph of a habitat, we then drew a picture of a minibeast that could live in our habitat. 

Summer 2

What a super end to our amazing time in Reception class. We kick started the term with a wonderful trip to Cannock Chase where we took part in a lovely expedition around the forest exploring the story of Naughty Norris and his friends. We engaged in lots of forest school style activities and loved exploring the great outdoors. At school we have been busy engaging in our topic Traditional Tales, listening to fairytale stories and writing an alternative ending to The Three Little Pigs. In maths we have continued to develop our number knowledge and are now experts at number bonds to 20! We've had a super time joining in with lots of amazing activities at school... Cream Teas, Sports Day, Disco and many more! We are now looking forward to our summer holidays then beginning our new learning journey in Year One. 

What a wonderful first half term we’ve had! We have settled into school life engaging in phonics, writing, maths, PE, science, art, music… the list never ends!

We have made lots of lovely friends and learnt lots of super skills. We have found out what makes us special and unique and have shared these special qualities with our friends.


We had a great time sharing our marvellous me boxes with one another and talking about what is important to us. We have been so busy making marvellous memories and look forward to making even more wonderful memories.

Walking in a winter wonderland…

This half term we dived into the wonderful season of winter exploring animal hibernation, snowy weather and that special time of year, Christmas!


We became actors and performed our special nativity play on stage, we loved dressing up and singing super songs.


We have loved engaging in lots of lovely winter stories such as Owl Babies and Bear Snores On, we even created some marvellous artwork based on these stories.


In maths we became experts in prepositional language, ordering numbers to 10 and beyond, counting forwards and backwards to 20 and exploring number bonds to 5.


We have written our special letters to Santa and Mr Elf has sent them on his way! We are so excited!

What a wonderful half term it’s been in Reception class! Our exciting times kicked off with the delivery of a dinosaur egg! We observed it in our classroom until suddenly it disappeared…


We wrote a newspaper report explaining what unusual things had been happening in our classroom. Also in literacy we dived into an exciting story called The Girl and the Dinosaur, writing a description of a journey we would go on with our dinosaur.


In maths we have been super busy exploring addition and subtraction within 10 and number bonds. In science we had a smelly time getting stuck into dinosaur poo, searching for bones or leaves to see if the poo belonged to a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore.


We have also been exploring art, music, PE and lots more exciting learning challenges. 

Contact us


Forsbrook CE Primary School

Cheadle Road | Blythe Bridge | Stoke On Trent | Staffordshire | ST11 9PW.

Tel: 01782 392 577     Fax: 01782 392 003

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