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Let's look at Collective Worship last year...

The Spring Term (first half of term) focus for Collective Worship will be The Treasures of Life, leading on from the whole school topic Treasure Island.  Each week the children will explore the treasures of life that God has provided us with. Each teacher will speak about this personally and make a link to the Bible where scripture will be explored and interrupted in a way which is understood by the children.  Exploring God’s treasures and how the Bible relates to these is important for the children to understand and as a Church of England school we aim to anchor the values in the Christian faith through precious bible teachings.


The Spring Term (second half of term) focus for Collective Worship will be Religion vs Science. Leading on from the evaluation during House Meetings, the children wanted to have science more included in Collective Worship and now the school is actively putting into place STEM it was felt the ideal opportunity to have the debate Religion verses Science. This will be done with a strong Christian message. Also it is important to remember that in the Church calendar, Lent is a season of 40 days before Easter. This is a time for Christians to stop and reflect on the attitudes of their hearts, priorities and spiritual life as they prepare for Easter. In this period of time the children will also be thankful for their Mothers and show this appreciation for them during Mother’s Day.


The Summer Term (first half of term) focus for Collective Worship will be The Baptism of Fire. This theme will focus on the Christian celebration of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit desended on the apostles. Towards the end of this half term we will explore the Trinity, scripture clearly shows that God is three in one which is threaded throughout the bible. These will be taught and discussed with opportunities of reflection during the active assemblies (Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19, Corinthians 8:6, 13:14 are just some examples of such scripture). The Worship |Committee will be launching the Prayer Bag that will go home with children and encourage them to engage in prayer.


The Summer Term (first half of term) focus for Collective Worship will be Extra, Extra, Read All about it!  Local, Nation and International News! Each week the children will explore local, national and international news and discover how the Bible can be used as a tool designed to help us learn about life. Links to British values will also be made during our focal point for worship. Exploring the wider community and how the Bible relates to today’s world is important for the children to understand and as a Church of England school we aim to anchor the values in the Christian faith through precious bible teachings.

Some are our amazing Year 6 children have been working hard, designing and assembling their very own go-kart that they raced at a race track. Well done Year 6 Forbrook are proud of you!

A big thank you to Grace who came in to speak to the children about healthy eating. The children engaged well and impressed us all on their knowledge. Well done everyone! 

A lovely Harvest service was held at school today that was led by our church youth worker Chrissi. 

Worship Themes for Autumn 2017 

First Half of Term: Team Forsbrook Shining in God’s Light


Monday: Celebration Assembly led by Mrs Richards/Mrs Minor (or members of the SLT)

Tuesday: NR/NL Assembly

Wednesday: Each member of staff to conduct an assembly on an aspect of prayer

Thursday: House and Visitor Assemblies (Led alternately between house leaders and St Peter’s)

Friday: Songs of Praises led by Head Mrs Minor


The Autumn Term (first half of term) focus for Collective Worship will be Team Forsbrook Shining in the Light of God. This will be exploring the Christian Distinctiveness of Forsbrook Primary school and the values that we hold in our everyday lives, in and out of school. Our motto Learning Loving Laughing will be explored and why it is the main purpose of the school.  As a Church of England school we aim to anchor the values in the Christian faith by relating them to the Bible through stories and readings.  At the beginning of each Collective Worship after the candle is lit, a new pattern of Worship will take place that is an Anglican tradition (May the Lord be with you).  The prayer tree will be used during this first half term as a place for the children to anonymously display any hopes and fears they may have for their new academic year ahead which can then be used during our times of prayer.

Inspirational People


A massive thank you to PC Phil Aston for delivering an assembly on his role as a Police Dog Handler in the police force. The children were given a first hand experience of meeting a police dog and seeing how the dog tracks items. 

This week is Christian Aid Week and to help the children to understand the what this is and the week which this charity does a volunteer from the charity came in to do an assembly. 

Inspirational People


Our assembly today was led by a police officer, who was introduced by one of the children for being an inspiration, not only for being a police officer but also an inspirational mum. The assembly was shaped by an explanation of the police role in society which linked to our British Value, The Rule of Law and also carefully tailored to how this is similar to Gods commandments.

Collective Worship


Well done to Ignite for showing us all of your learning about our creator God, and thank you to Chrissi Thompson for leading this wonderful club. 



Wow! A wonderful assembly led by Miss Adams and the percussion club. We looked at unusual instruments made out of everyday items and also watched a short performance of the theatre production 'Stomp'. Forsbrook's KS1 percussion group ended the assembly with a fantastic performance playing the bins! 

Thank you to our wonderful visitors today from St Marks church in Shelton who told of their charity work for local refugees. 
Friday 16th December 


Our Christmas service held at St Peters church was as always amazing, thanks to all the children, teachers and also to Reverend Jonathan. It was based around Mary and Joseph taking refuge on the run from king Herod and being helped by the kindness of strangers. As a school community we pride ourselves on being that stranger who would help those in need.  Thank you for the continuous support from parents, carers and grandparents. 

Collective Worship


Wow!! What an amazing assembly led by the Mrs Pritchard and her music club. The school listened to a range of wonderful Christmas songs. Thank you so much. 

Collective Worship
Collective Worship
Collective Worship
Collective Worship
Collective Worship
Collective Worship


The Worship Committee led their own collective worship today, and they did extremely well! They told their fellow pupils about the meaning of one of the symbols of Christianity - the fish. 

Forsbrook Primary’s Remembrance Day


Our Remembrance service began with the children exploring past heroes in the world. The definition of a hero was given as “ordinary people doing extraordinary things”, which led to meeting Sargent Holdcroft, a soldier that puts the lives of others before his own. The service reflected upon the lives of those lost in war and also those fighting today. 


Some children had written thank you letters and prayers to the soldiers, a selected number read these out. All the letters were given to Sargent Holdcroft to take back to his army rank to share with his fellow soldiers. 


Sargent Holdcroft led us into the two minute silence saying the Ode of Remembrance.

Forsbrook Primary’s Remembrance Day
Forsbrook Primary’s Remembrance Day
Forsbrook Primary’s Remembrance Day
Forsbrook Primary’s Remembrance Day
Forsbrook Primary’s Remembrance Day
Forsbrook Primary’s Remembrance Day
Forsbrook Primary’s Remembrance Day
Forsbrook Primary’s Remembrance Day
Forsbrook Cares

I would like to take this opportunity to say a great big thank you to everyone who has donated food that will go to our local food bank, it really does show that Forsbrook Primary school cares. 

The Truth About Prayer: What is it and how does it work?

First Half of Term (Autumn 2016)


The Autumn Term (first half of term) focus for Collective Worship will be The Truth about Prayer: What is it and how does it work? And Harvest.


Prayer is simply conversation with God. It’s asking Him to meet your needs or the needs of someone else. It’s praising Him and thanking Him. It’s about committing things to him and consecrating things to Him.


We need to prayer about everything and anything. The Bible teaches us in James 5:16 that the “earnest” prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available .  


As a Church of England school we aim to anchor the values in the Christian faith by relating them to the Bible through stories and readings.


The prayer tree will be used during this first half term as a place for the children to anonymously display any hopes and fears they may have for their new academic year ahead which can then be used during our times of prayer. 

Our wonderful school council have helped to write our first very own school prayer, that incorporates our four Christian core values here at Forsbrook Primary.


Dear God,

Let peace and harmony light our candle.

Let love and support nature its flame.

Let joy and togetherness strengthen its glow.

Let hope and prayer be its external brightness.


Collective Worship 2019/2020


WOW Worship 

Dovedale House, Ilam

The Worship Committee members take an active role in worship in the chapel of Ilam and experienced some of the awe and wonder of God during their residential trip to Ilam .

They also enjoyed a range of activities:

  • Bringing an item or image that represents who they are or what is important to them e.g. family, favourite food, sport shoes. These were placed on an altar at the beginning of the stay.

  • A walk to Ilam church in the dark to experience the night-time world around them.

  • A quiet, candlelit service in the church

  • Opportunity to give feedback from the service and to brainstorm what worship is/why we worship/does God care about our worship with a range of activities.

  • Walk around the area to experience the awe and wonder of God's natural world and how we must protect it.

  • Time in the tuck shop and games room! Definitely popular!

  • 3 groups working to prepare for the final act of worship in music, drama and prayer and taking a leading role throughout the worship.

Food bank 'thanks'

November 2019

The Stoke-on-Trent Food Bank came in to our school to explain their service to the children  and to thank them personally for their contributions. We'd like to thank you again, parents and carers, for supporting us each year in the collection of food for our local food banks.

Food bank Nov 2019#.JPG
Collective Worship 2018/19  

Water Safety

In summer 2, the children had an assembly about water safety. They explored the various bodies of water and learnt the four key points of staying safe in and around water and got to meet Olly the octopus too. The learning never stops!

Sum 2 Water safety 2.JPG
Sum 2 Water safety.JPG

The Summer Term (first half of term) focus for Collective Worship was The Life of Jesus. After the children had learnt about the Easter story, it was important for the children to know and understand what Jesus did in his life on Earth. There was a focus upon different aspects of his life, finishing the half term by bringing these together and concluding with his end. Scripture taken from the New Testament.


The Summer Term (second half) our Collective Worship theme focused around global issues and how they link or compare to our everyday life.  Each week has a suggested theme and explores issues from different countries around the world. 

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rev hatcher.JPG

Today we were very lucky to have Rev. Hatcher who came into school to lead our Collective Worship, teaching us about William Clowes and his belief in God and how this gave him a new beginning, a new life as a Christian.

rev hatcher 2.JPG

The Church of England is delivering daily prayer and worship for children and families at this unusual and somewhat difficult time.

To access this please click here.

Collective Worship 2020-21

Spring (2) Worship Theme

'I am....' said Jesus

Collective Worship 2020-21

Autumn (2) Worship Theme

 Learning from David in ways that make the world a better place.

Worship Themes for

Autumn Term 2: Learning from David in ways that make the world a better place

Learning, Loving, Laughing in the Light of God’

The themes for this term encourage commitment to making the world a better and fairer place by looking at the rich and varied life of an important character in the Old Testament called David.  During this term, we also consider Remembrance Sunday, Anti Bullying week and Children in Need.  We also spend time marking Advent and celebrating Christmas.

Worship Themes for

Learning, Loving, Laughing in the Light of God’

Collective Worship 2020-21

Autumn (1) Worship Theme

Living Your Best Life

‘I have come so that you may have life, life to the full.’ John 10:1-10

‘Learning, Loving, Laughing in the Light of God’

                                                                                                               NB: Worship is now taking place within the children’s own classrooms.


Jesus taught us in the Gospel to live ‘life to the full’; this has been, for some of us, quite difficult due to the pandemic that this world has seen. Some people have been struck by devastation, through death of loved ones, or perhaps economic hard falls through job loss. However, as the world stood still it has given us time to reflect upon our lives – life meaning and purpose. Jesus wants us to live life to the full and so this half term we will focus on how we can achieve this, looking closely at ourselves, our talents that God has given to us and what our future holds, including our vocation in life, remembering that through God anything is possible.                                                              

This term included an exploration of who Jesus is through the stories associated with Epiphany and also through the ‘I am’ sayings of Jesus which can be found in John’s Gospel.  It provided a pause for wondering and reflection about the life and teaching of Jesus and how his example can continue to underpin the everyday life of our school.

                I am … said Jesus

Life Bringer

I am the same yesterday, today and forever

Life Giver

I am the water of life

Life Sustainer

I am the bread of life

Life Guider

I am the light of the world

Life Leader

I am the good shepherd

Life Protector

I am the gate

I am the way, the truth and life

I am … said Jesus

By Rebecca Swansbury

Contact us


Forsbrook CE Primary School

Cheadle Road | Blythe Bridge | Stoke On Trent | Staffordshire | ST11 9PW.

Tel: 01782 392 577     Fax: 01782 392 003

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