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Early Years

A big welcome to our Reception Class page! Here you can take a look at all the wonderful learning that goes on in and around our classroom.


Before we begin, here is a little information for you:


Each day, please bring your book bag, school diary, school reading books and a named water bottle. Any messages that your family want to tell the teacher can be written inside the diary and this will be checked every day. 


You can leave your PE kit and a bag of spare clothes on your peg. PE kits will be sent home at the end of every half term for a wash.


A little extra reminder... Please put your name on all of your school uniform and PE kit, thank you.


We also have exciting news... On Friday afternoons we enjoy talking and listening to our friends in Show and Tell. On Fridays you can bring in an item that is special to you to share in Show and Tell. You can keep this safe in your book bag throughout the day. 


We look forward to exploring our first topic Marvellous Me in September!

Autumn 1

What a wonderful start to our first school year! We have been learning, laughing and loving making lots of new friends.

Our first topic was called 'Marvellous Me'. During this topic we were taken on a journey of adventure through the Oliver Jeffers' stories where we met our favourite character... the Martian. He visited our classroom lots and lots, leaving us gifts and challenges and we loved sharing our learning with him. We shared our Marvellous Me special boxes with our friends, talking about ourselves, our families and our favourite things, this developed our speaking and listening skills. We have been learning to read a write every day in our phonics lessons and have enjoyed taking our special reading books home. In maths we have been counting, ordering numbers, sorting objects and comparing quantities... we have been busy! What great fun we have had in our music lessons where we have learnt lots of new songs and performed to each other. In PE  we have learnt lots of new skills and have danced in time to music. We have explored items floating and sinking in super science lessons and have further explored science learning in our water and sand area. In art we have drawn beautiful self portraits, looking carefully at ourselves in a mirror and choosing the correct colours... these self portraits are on display in our classroom!

As you can see, we have been very busy. We are excited for our next topic 'A King is Born'!

Autumn 2

It really has been the most wonderful time of the year! 

This half term we have engaged in all things Christmas! We performed our nativity play and received wonderful reviews. It was great to perform on stage, dress up, say our lines, sing great songs and tell the wonderful story of baby Jesus' birth. 

In maths we have been learning to order numbers and say one more or less than a given number to 20. We have also learnt about 2D and 3D shapes. We explored their properties and compared flat 2D shapes with solid 3D shapes. 

In literacy we loved listening to Christmas stories and even wrote a retell of the nativity story. We have also written our letters to Santa Claus, telling him what good children we are. 

We have loved explored the cold winter weather by observing ice in our outside area. We have also learnt about seasons and created our own seasons calendar to take home! 

Our creative juices have been flowing as we have made special salt dough Christmas decorations and created lots of winter themed pieces of art.

We think it is time for a rest over Christmas... ready for our first day back visiting the theater! 

Spring 1

Have you seen a dinosaur??? We have! This half term, dinosaurs took over the reception classroom!

It all began when an egg appeared in our classroom and hatched into a tiny baby dinosaur. Just in case the dinosaur was staying for a long time, we wrote instructions on how to look after him... we also gave him a name - Dino! All of a sudden there was a crime scene and Dino went missing! We found footprints by looking really closely with our binoculars and magnifying glasses, we felt like real dinosaur explorers. We wrote a newspaper report to warn the school and local community that Dino had disappeared, but we were also worried about him because he was only a baby. Luckily, a message arrived in the classroom to tell us Dino's mummy had come to collect him and he was now living life to the full in dinosaur land with his friends and family. We did wonder where dinosaur land was because we know dinosaurs are now extinct.... we found fossils and bones in our outside area! We came to the conclusion that dinosaur land might be in space and we plan on searching for the land when we become astronauts in our next topic!

During our adventure, HUGE teeth arrived in the classroom and we worked in teams to discover whether the teeth were those of a herbivore or carnivore dinosaur. In art we created our very own line drawing of a dinosaur and very carefully went over our drawing in a black pen, we were so proud of our amazing achievements. In maths we have been sharing, halving and even doubling! Wow we have been busy! In science we turned into super scientists to create a volcano! We loved exploring adding different ingredients to see which made the volcano erupt the best.

In PE we became super explorers, climbing and balancing our way along the equipment. We loved every minute of it. 

Now we look forward to our next 'out of this world' adventure...

Spring 2

What an adventure we've been on! Our space topic took us on a journey of discovery, becoming astronauts and visiting space in our role play space station. We loved dressing up as astronauts and using our telescope to look closely at planets, we can even name some planets!


In maths we loved challenging ourselves to add and subtract two single digit numbers. We have also developed our skills in writing number lines, forwards and backwards to 20!


In literacy we have loved reading the story 'Whatever Next' written by Jill Murphy. We have acted out the story and even turned into authors ourselves by retelling the story! We have all been so proud of our writing, we loved showing it to our friends.


We took part in 'science week' and explored using our senses to feel, smell, look at and taste different fruit and vegetables. We used our descriptive vocabulary to describe the tastes, smell and textures, also saying if we did or didn't like the food and why. Most of the time the weather has been lovely and we have enjoyed exploring the great outdoors. We have developed our physical skills by running, jumping, cycling and scooting! 

Summer 1

This half term we have been very busy exploring our topic Minibeasts. We have learnt all about minibeasts through stories and even followed real caterpillars during their journey into butterflies! Through our investigation into butterflies, we learnt all about a butterfly life cycle! You could now say we are butterfly experts. We loved learning all about money and estimation in maths. Now we can count how much money is in our purses and estimate quantities of objects! In literacy we loved  engaging in lots of minibeast stories. We wrote lovely descriptions of minibeasts, even creating our own minibeasts! We had a great time making our minibeasts using natural objects from our gardens, we were so proud of our work! Through music and dance we explored the movements of minibeasts and we even created our own song about a minibeast of our choice to the tune of ‘Incy Wincy Spider’! In science we had a great time in our bathrooms testing items that float or sink. We even made predictions before carrying out the test. Wow, we have been busy (bees!)!

Summer 2

What a fabulous half term we've had even though it's been a little strange! We have all been working so hard whether at school or at home. During our topic 'Traditional Tales' we have listened to lots of lovely stories and enjoyed retelling them. In maths we have explored numbers all the way to 20 and have learnt to tell the time! Wow! We have let our creative juices flow by creating lots of lovely artwork inspired by wonderful stories. We became green fingered and planted magic beans to grow our very own beanstalks, just like in the story Jack and the Beanstalk! What a lovely year we had in reception class. We now look forward to a super summer holiday!

Contact us


Forsbrook CE Primary School

Cheadle Road | Blythe Bridge | Stoke On Trent | Staffordshire | ST11 9PW.

Tel: 01782 392 577     Fax: 01782 392 003

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