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Year 6

As your child starts their journey in Year 6, they are on the verge of becoming young adults, developing inquisitive minds ready to question and challenge the world around them. We aim to encourage them to have a love of learning. Year 6 is an action-packed year, with many opportunities for the children to immerse themselves in much more than SATs. Our class page will keep you updated with what your child has been learning each year as well as links to how you can support them at home.


Autumn – Crime and Punishment / Our Wonderful World

Spring – Storms and Shipwrecks / Digging Deep

Summer – Ancient Greece Oddysey



PE (Wednesday)

Swimming (including cap) – Friday (Autumn Term only)



It would be useful for all children to have their own equipment in school. Useful items to have are as follows: pencil, ruler, small pencil case, glue stick, handwriting pen (black), highlighter, scissors, water bottle, home/school diary EVERY DAY – (these need to be signed by parents).



Children will be expected to complete homework on a weekly basis. Homework will be set on a Friday and will need to be returned to school by the following Wednesday at the latest. Tasks will mainly focus on Maths and English and will focus around key objectives which children should meet by the end of year 6. Children are expected to read daily in Year 6, both in school and at home, and to keep a log of their reading in their home/school diary.

Homework will also be set via Seesaw and use apps such as Spelling Shed, TTRS, and Purple Mash.

Autumn 1

It’s been so lovely being back in school with our friends this half term. Our class reader this half term is Wonder by RJ Palacio which weaves the message #Bekind throughout. It follows the story of a young boy with facial deformities as he tries to fit in as he starts school for the first time aged 10. In guided reading, we have been exploring the characters in the text and how they behave towards each other.
In English, we started this half term studying the classical narrative poem, The Highway Man by Alfred Noyes. We wrote monologues from Tim the Ostler’s viewpoint as he justified his reasons for the events that led to the tragedy of Beth. The children then used their writing skills to retell the poem as a narrative, focusing on the setting description and choosing precise vocabulary. In art, we learnt how to draw using one-point perspective using the vanishing point, horizon line and lines of perspective. We drew a scene from the highway showing the ribbon road disappearing into the distance.
In history, we have been learning about Crime and Punishments through the ages. We’ve discovered that punishments were much harsher in the past. We played a Saxon Punishment game to find out what would have happened to people in those times who committed crimes. Following this theme, we have been watching Oliver Twist and using this as a stimulus for our English work. We have produced some fantastic writing linked to this.
We were also really lucky to have an online workshop delivered by the UK Parliament. We found out about the Houses of Parliament, how laws are made and what our MPs do. We even had the opportunity to ask lots of questions.
In science, we have been learning about electricity. We explored which circuits would light up, drawing these correctly using circuit diagram symbols and what happens when we change components. We then used our knowledge and skills to make a burglar alarm to keep people out of our bedrooms.
In maths, we have been mastering arithmetic skills. We have worked hard to learn how to calculate using all four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and have been working hard to improve our weekly arithmetic scores.

Autumn 2

Year 6 have been busy working hard this half term whether that is at home or at school. In November, the children took part in Level 2 Bikeability. They developed their awareness of cycling on the roads and had a great time!

In English, we have been looking at the features of balanced arguments and considering the importance of giving two viewpoints. After analysing key features, we planned our own topical balanced argument discussing the question, “Should schools be closed during the second lockdown?” We had a fabulous debate before planning and then writing our first drafts.

We have also been reading Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol”. We focused on the characteristics of Scrooge and how he changes from the beginning of the story to the end. We compared his character to that of his nephew, Fred Cratchitt. In the scene where Marley visits Scrooge, we looked at how the writer builds tension. Using these techniques, we wrote our own scenes.

In maths, we have been developing our understanding of fractions. After lots of hard work, effort and practise, we have learned how to add, subtract, multiply and divide using fractions and have applied these skills to solving problems.

In art, we looked at graffiti street art and designed our own name tags. We carefully chose colours from the colour wheel which complemented each others.

This half term, we have been getting into the spirit of Christmas. In D &T, we designed our own light-up Christmas card based on some examples that we had seen. We are really pleased with the results.

Spring 1

Lockdown hasn’t stopped us from learning in Year 6 and we’re really proud of the work that the children have produced both at home and in school. We may not have been able to go to the theatre this year for our annual trip but this didn’t stop us from having our whole school writing theme which was Beauty and the Beast. We read a beautiful version of the tale and used the Disney animation to explore how tension and suspense are used at the start of the story. Using our suspense tool kit, we rewrote the scene where Maurice finds himself lost in the forest and produced some fantastic pieces of writing.

This half term, we started our “Great Explorers” topic and have been reading Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. In the story, Michael’s parents buy a yacht after being made redundant and decide to go on a once-in-a-life-time opportunity trip to sail around the world. In English, we wrote a balanced argument for and against going on the trip. We have been reading and delving deeper into the story in guided reading as well as using it as a writing stimulus in English. At the end of chapter 3, we wrote newspaper reports about Michael’s disappearance at sea practising using both reported speech and direct speech.

In Geography, we have developed our knowledge of the world and used map skills. We plotted Michael’s journey using google map and learned how to use longitude and latitude to find specific places on a map. Finally, we have looked at different biomes and how life is suited to living in different conditions.

In art, we recreated Hokusai’s famous painting of the Great Wave looking at how he used line and size to create effects. We then used water colours and our knowledge of warm and cool colours to produce our final pieces. In school, we have used batik to produce paintings of sea creatures.

In computing, we have been learning about website creation and have designed our own websites using copyright pictures. We are looking forward to building the home pages for our own website over the next few weeks.

Our maths work this half term has built on our knowledge of fractions. We have been learning about decimals and percentages, making links between all three and applying our skills to problem solving and reasoning skills.

During Children’s mental health week, we practised Zentangle art – a form of art which helps mindfulness, concentration and relaxation. We experimented with different designs to produce a Zentangle hand picture. We also spent time thinking about our own feeling and talking about we should act with kindness and compassion to support others.

Spring 2

It has been wonderful to have all of the children back in the classroom, learning together where they belong. The focus of our first week together was well-being and we enjoyed a fabulous team building session with Bee Active. It was great fun and so good to be outside, working together and using our problem solving skills.

We have continued our Ancient Greek topic this half term and have been writing our own Greek Myths. After reading a variety of hero tales such as Perseus and Medusa and Theseus and the Minotaur, we planned, wrote, edited and published our own stories. We have worked extremely hard on these producing some of our best writing this year and are really proud of the final books.

The Ancient Greeks loved story telling and we learned about Greek theatres and the use of masks. We designed our own Greek Masks to show exaggerated features and emotions. They look great on our classroom display.

In maths, we have been learning about area, perimeter and volume. We accurately drew shapes with different areas and perimeters and used cubes to build cuboids, calculating volumes using the formula length x width x height. 

In science, we have been learning about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution. After lots of research, we produced our own double-page spread biographies about the life of this famous naturalist.

Summer 1

Year 6 have had a busy half term of learning. During science week, we learnt all about forces and carried out a number of investigations. We compared the theories of Aristotle and Galileo and conducted an experiment to prove that objects fall to earth at the same rate, regardless of their mass. We also investigated friction by testing out how far a car travelled across different materials when released from a ramp at the same height.  


In maths, we have been learning about ratio and proportion and enlarging shapes by a given scale factor. In English, we have been analysing the features of non-chronological reports. We have researched our own topics based on our interests and then worked extremely hard to write our own reports. It has been great to find out all about the history of cars, WWII, fashion, dancing and much more!

Our main science unit this half term has been the human body. We have been learning all about the circulatory system and how the heart pumps blood around the body. We worked in groups to create our own life size models of the circulatory system to show the process.

We have also been taking part in an “Internet Legends” project. learning all about how to stay safe and be confident in an online world. We have learnt how to think before we share, how to check what we see online is real, how to protect our stuff and create safe passwords and how to respect each other online.

In RE, we have been learning about the how the Old Testament pieces together the story of the People of God. We watched The Prince of Egypt and learned how, through Moses, God rescued his people from slavery in Egypt. We have explored the work of the charity Christian Aid and the role that they play in bringing freedom to others today by bringing health, food, justice and telling the story of Jesus.

The highlight of this half term, though, has to be our trip to Standon Bowers. We spent half the day on the high wires where we had to be really brave and jump from a high ledge. We also took part in the gladiator challenge, trying to climb as high as we could – it was hard work and required lots of courage and determination. The other half of the day was spent on BMX bikes, riding around a track and learning new skills. It was great fun and so good to be out at last!

Summer 2

This has been our final half term in Year 6. We have been studying the book Holes in Guided Reading and have been using the text as a stimulus for our writing. We looked at how authors use flashback techniques within stories and then retold the story of Kissin' Kate Barlow using this technique. We also explored how each character in the text was connected and analysed how Stanley and Zero change throughout the story. 

Drama and singing have been a focus as we have prepared for our leaver's celebration. This year, we have decided to reflect on the last two years in a light-hearted way in our production of "Wow, What a Year!" 

In maths, we have been learning about presenting data and have been interpreting pie charts. 

In design and technology, our focus has been moving vehicles. We worked in groups to make a car that would roll and used this experience to learn about wheels, axels and chassis. In our follow up lesson, we refined our vehicles and explored how to make an elastic band powered car. Finally, we improved these designs to create a battery-powered vehicle with a switch mechanism. 

As a reward for all of our hardwork this half term, we went on a trip to Stoke ski centre. We had a go at skiing in the morning and we managed to try out the drag lift. In the afternoon, we had a go at tubing. It was a great day out! 

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Forsbrook CE Primary School

Cheadle Road | Blythe Bridge | Stoke On Trent | Staffordshire | ST11 9PW.

Tel: 01782 392 577     Fax: 01782 392 003

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