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Early Years


A big welcome to our Reception Class page! Here you can take a look at all the wonderful learning that goes on in and around our classroom.

       Before we begin, here is a little information for you:

       Please bring your book bag to school everyday.

       In your book bag you can put your school diary, reading books and your named           water bottle.

       If you want to let the teacher know something important, please write this in your         school diary which will be checked every day.

       Please ensure that P.E kits are worn to school on P.E days.

       Just to let you know, due to the current situation, we will be giving out reading           books on a Monday and will need to collect them back in on a Friday. This way,           books can be cleaned and left for 48 hours before being given out to another             child.

       We encourage you to read a book at home during the weekend.


       We look forward to exploring our first topic Marvellous Me!

Wow what a super first half term Reception class have had in school! We have settled in so well, learning, loving and laughing every single day.
We are loving being busy learners, engaging in maths and literacy activities every day.
In daily phonics lessons we have been learning to read and write, using a our class puppet Phonic Phoebe to help us. In maths we have engaged in lovely numbers and shape activities and developed our super counting skills!
Alongside our maths and literacy we love to explore the great outdoors, take part in PE lessons, create marvellous masterpieces in art and engage in lots of lovely learning challenges. Best of all, we have made great friendships and had lots of fun! 

Autumn 2

What a wonderful half term it has been! 

We have been busy from start to finish! Firstly, we have become marvellous mathematicians learning number bonds to 5, then 10, exploring tens frames and part whole models. In literacy we have written our letters to Santa and Christmas cards to our friends and family. We have also written all about our part in the nativity play and labelled lovely Christmas themed pictures!


In other areas of learning we explored freezing and melting during science explorations and loved seeing what happened to our water beads when they were put in the freezer. We have become amazing artists this half term, exploring using a range of paints, colours and textures. 

Wow! Our fun never ends! Did we mention our nativity play? We put on a fabulous performance, performing our play to a camera man with his professional cameras! We can’t wait to watch our performance on DVD! 

Spring 1

Wow what a wonderful and if not a little bit wacky half term it has been. Children in school and at home have been busy working hard learning all about Dinosaurs! We have discovered many Dinosaur Experts in our class!

In literacy we have enjoyed writing instructions, rules and reflections.


In maths we have developed our number bonds knowledge to 10 and explored 3D shapes.


We have become super scientists exploring dinosaur poo to see if it belonged to a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore dinosaur… eww!


We have also developed our musical and artistic skills through singing, dancing and creating wonderful artwork.

Spring 2

What a wonderful half term we have had being back together. It has been so lovely to see all our friends and get back to 'learning, loving and laughing'.


We have been busy as usual diving straight into our Superhero topic! Supertato has really captured our imaginations and we have loved retelling the story through role play and in our writing.


In maths we have explored addition and subtraction challenges within 10 and become experts at halving and sharing!


For our D&T project we designed and created a Superhero mask for a Real-Life Superhero. We have been enjoying the warmer weather in our outside area... especially on our new stage! We have loved becoming performers and putting on shows to our adoring fans!


We can't wait for our next music lesson performance! What a wonderfully busy half term it has been, we are now ready for an Easter break and then back to school for our Minibeast topic.

Summer 1

This half term we have been immersed in our marvellous minibeasts topic. We became keen explorers, regularly searching for minibeasts in the great outdoors. In the classroom, we became minibeasts experts observing real life caterpillars turning into butterflies! It has been an amazing experience for us to get stuck into and we have loved every minute of it! In literacy we have written minibeasts facts and engaged in wonderful minibeasts stories to inspire our creative writing. In maths we have explored composition of numbers, using our knowledge of number bonds and double facts to help us.


In music lessons we have explored using glockenspiels and learnt lots of lovely songs. We have continued to let our wonderful creative juices flow by creating amazing artwork relating to our topic.


In PE we developed our confidence and skill in gymnastics! We have learnt to use climbing equipment safely and have had lots of fun along the way! 

Summer 2

Wow what a fantastic final half term we have had in Reception Class.


We have been super busy bees enjoying lots of lovely learning activities. We went on our very first school trip where we became explorers in the great outdoors.


We took part in Sports Day, enjoying lots of races and trying our very best.


We became bakers, creating a successful Cream Tea delivery service. We haven’t stopped! 

What a great time we’ve had in Reception Class, we have made lots of lovely friends and learnt lots of new things.


We are super excited for Year One!

Autumn 1

Contact us


Forsbrook CE Primary School

Cheadle Road | Blythe Bridge | Stoke On Trent | Staffordshire | ST11 9PW.

Tel: 01782 392 577     Fax: 01782 392 003

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